Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Separation and New Challenge

It's been almost three months since this semester started and finally, this semester will be over within about one week. I've really enjoyed the semeter because it's my first experience that was to study English in foreign country. During the semester, I made a lot of friends and all of them are really nice people. They have lots of something that I have to learn.

After finishing this semeter, I'll move to Bow Valley College for a new challenge. Some people might stay in U of C, other people might go back to their country and the others might leave to study something.

I think the world is too small, so we could meet somewhere and I'll continue to try to improve myself not to be shy when I meet them.

Thank you classmates and very special thank you, Kristi ;)

P.S. : We must keep in touch with each other, ok?

1 comment:

IBRAHIM said...

You are one of the best people i have met this term. I like your personality. I hope that we will be in touch for the rest of the life. I will be glad of that.
Thanks Marvin