Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fantastic suffer!!

At last weekend, I had an amazing suffer!!

I ate the dinner with my landord and other tenant. The dishes as a suffer were fresh bacon, rice, lettuce and things like that. These were similar to the Korean foods. I truly missed them because I've never eatten them since I left Korea. Anyway, we made a fire with firewood to roast the pork at the patio and ate the foods together around the fire place. Also, we drunk red wine. The other tenant, who lived in next to my room, studied about the wine for about three years. So he is well known person for the wine and gave us the wine as well as recommended good one. During the dinner time, he referred to the wine and it was really interesting speech. After eating all of them, we roast the marshmallow to eat it as a dessert. It was first time for me to eat the marshmallow and of course, it was sweet and very delicious!

I was very happy with people and I couldn't be happier ;)


Marco said...

That was great. My first barbecue in Calgary was so strange, my friends and I were in the backyard and cooked meat, chicken wings, and ribs. Also, we drank beers and rum. But I felt that the day was not to finish, because the sun was out until 10 p.m.
We are planning have another barbecue… You should come with us.

Bond said...

Hi! my brother, there is no pitures, It makes me bored. Please, up load some pitures for me. I'm so sorry to see your blog.

Jacob said...

Hi brother^^

I also miss korean food which is made by my mother. One month ago, ma mother went back to Korea. Recently, I've been making some food by myself. On August, my mom'll come back here. I want to invite you at that time.^^

Ru said...

It sound a good experience to you. Sometimes, I very missed Chinese food in Taiwan. It's very difficult to eat good Taiwanese food here. I'm very happy that you found a good Korean restaurant.