Tuesday, June 24, 2008

About a volunteer

Someone adviced me to be a volunteer because it's really helpful to improve my English skill and learn other country's culture. Her advice motivated me to be a volunteer and as a result, I started searching about it at the "http://www.volunteercalgary.ab.ca/.

My interesting volunteer filed is to help senior citizens. For example, going to shop, talking with them, going to activity and stuff like that. I already had a meeting once with a volunteer cordinator about one week ago and she recommended other organization that was good for my purpose. So, these days, I'm arranging with another cordinator to decide a volunteer position. I asked her about requirments, location, work time and stuff like that and she replied to me very kindly.

During contacting the volunteer cordinators, I realized that the process to be a voulteer makes me study English and learn about the Canada's culture. In my opinion, the process to be a volunteer is important for me as well as I do something as a volunteer.


HunUg said...

Hi Marvin~~!!^^
You have pure mind.haha
Soon, you can find good volunteer. Then you can help some people and enjoy the culture. I;ll pray for you. Have a good day~~!!$$$$$$$$$$

Kristi said...

That's awesome Marvin!! I'm so glad that you wrote about your experience on your blog! So many other students would benefit immensely from the same experience.

Claudia said...

Congratulations Marvin!!!
I think you are very nice person, and these people will be glad to share their time with you.
Your nobility is incredible.
Nice to meet you.

IBRAHIM said...

wonderful Marvin. I like the volunteer too. You did a great job. These people need from us to show them more care and importance.
If you are going to visit any place like that, I will be thankful for you.