Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Separation and New Challenge

It's been almost three months since this semester started and finally, this semester will be over within about one week. I've really enjoyed the semeter because it's my first experience that was to study English in foreign country. During the semester, I made a lot of friends and all of them are really nice people. They have lots of something that I have to learn.

After finishing this semeter, I'll move to Bow Valley College for a new challenge. Some people might stay in U of C, other people might go back to their country and the others might leave to study something.

I think the world is too small, so we could meet somewhere and I'll continue to try to improve myself not to be shy when I meet them.

Thank you classmates and very special thank you, Kristi ;)

P.S. : We must keep in touch with each other, ok?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Jasper Trip

I went to Jasper as a activity during last weekend and it was really nice. It took about five hours to Jasper camp site from the U of C.

Most of all, I had a chance to meet lots of people who were other semester students and talk with them and teacher, especially Kim. I think it was absolutely valuable memory.

I hiked the mountain that was so beautiful place and took a photor of friends and myself during hiking. Also, I went to icefield and that place was so cold.

I saw elks and bears around the camp site. Many people said elk is dangerous animal but It looks so lovely and peaceful animal for me. I and my friends burned a sausage to eat for dinner and It was really delicious. I think it was cuisine of the Jasper ;)

Anyway, during two nights and three days, I had a valuable experience which was to meet and talk with new people and share a consensus. I couldn't forget this memory forever ;)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

About a volunteer

Someone adviced me to be a volunteer because it's really helpful to improve my English skill and learn other country's culture. Her advice motivated me to be a volunteer and as a result, I started searching about it at the "

My interesting volunteer filed is to help senior citizens. For example, going to shop, talking with them, going to activity and stuff like that. I already had a meeting once with a volunteer cordinator about one week ago and she recommended other organization that was good for my purpose. So, these days, I'm arranging with another cordinator to decide a volunteer position. I asked her about requirments, location, work time and stuff like that and she replied to me very kindly.

During contacting the volunteer cordinators, I realized that the process to be a voulteer makes me study English and learn about the Canada's culture. In my opinion, the process to be a volunteer is important for me as well as I do something as a volunteer.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fantastic suffer!!

At last weekend, I had an amazing suffer!!

I ate the dinner with my landord and other tenant. The dishes as a suffer were fresh bacon, rice, lettuce and things like that. These were similar to the Korean foods. I truly missed them because I've never eatten them since I left Korea. Anyway, we made a fire with firewood to roast the pork at the patio and ate the foods together around the fire place. Also, we drunk red wine. The other tenant, who lived in next to my room, studied about the wine for about three years. So he is well known person for the wine and gave us the wine as well as recommended good one. During the dinner time, he referred to the wine and it was really interesting speech. After eating all of them, we roast the marshmallow to eat it as a dessert. It was first time for me to eat the marshmallow and of course, it was sweet and very delicious!

I was very happy with people and I couldn't be happier ;)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Moved to a new place!

A couple of days ago, I moved to Dalhousie from Bowness because it took very long time, about one hour, for me to go to university from Bowness. But, unfortunately, before moving to that place, some kind of homicide, that the family was killed, was happened at Dalhousie. I was scared ;( Anyway I think Dalhousie is good place for me except that accident. Most of all, it takes less than thirty minutes to go to the U of C and there is Safeway around my home!Sometimes, my landlord give me some food. Last weekend, we ate Alberta beef with another tenant. It was delicious ;) and thanks landlord!